I had always wanted to make a personal site or something but did not manage to do so. Yesterday I found Github Pages might be a good starting point. Now I finally get the theme working with Jekyll. I just love Markdown.
The current theme is Midnight which I think is not tailored for blogging. There are so much more to learn anyways, so I should make customized theme later or so (which seems tedious though).
So the following is a little poem.
The creation of the poem was inspired by H(p) = -plogp - (1-p)log(1-p) by Scott Aaronson and the course Theory of Computation taught at IIIS, THU.
by Matt Hong
For a life
Been oblivious
About the earth is round
For a life
Been oblivious
For a life
Been oblivious
About love
Don’t know
About poetry
Nor a life